We're on Threadless

Once upon a time, Sprites' Hollow had t-shirts, art prints, and more available on the website.
Forest Fire Art Print
As we invested more in the handmade jewelry side of our business, it didn't really make sense to keep those types of items listed.
We still love designing for print, and not everything we dream up works for acrylic jewelry.
To bridge that gap we decided to take part in an external marketplace. You can find our new designs on Threadless!
Sprites' Hollow's Threadless Shop
The designs you see there may be from our older print catalog, our jewelry work, or they may be fresh ideas that we just wanted to get out into the world.
You can easily navigate there from the Style tab in our menu.
Sprites' Hollow Style tab
In the future I really hope we can expand into stationary, notepads, stickers, and planners!
  • PS. For now you can find a few printables on our 2nd Etsy shop. We only sell downloadable files on that storefront. I'm going to try to add more soon!
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